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Letters received by the ICCF-U.S. office
concerning the terrorist attack
(Thank you, friends!)

September 2001

Webmaster's Note: The following messages arrived at the ICCF-U.S. office. I also appended ICCF President Alan Borwell's letter announcing an official suspension of play in ICCF events for a week at the bottom of this page. We all very much appreciate the thoughts and best wishes of our friends from all over the world. I have published these comments, exactly as they were written, except in a few cases I deleted personal remarks and added last names in parentheses. I thought it best to not change a word or even a single character, as these messages are just perfect as they are. Thank you our friends! You give us all strength and hope for the future.

Dear Friend Max. With astonishment and incredulity I have followed all that happened in your country, you receive. , all the members of your federation and the whole North American town, our support message and solidarity before so much pain. We are willing to donate our blood if was necessary to help them at this time gray.
We wait and we want THAT THE PEACE PREVAILS IN THE EARTH, it is very important and we want that a hairspring of violence is not unchained, because the violence, alone it generates violence. The produced events this week in United States they are not but a sign, that The Human Beings we lack a lot of road to travel in the scale of the Evolution. God willing all, without caring their credo and their form of praying, elevate a sentence, or have a thought of love, on behalf of people that today suffered this tragedy. At this time, it is important that each one as human being, want, pray, or request in the way that she/he wants THAT THE PEACE PREVAILS IN THE EARTH.
This moment is very important for the whole planet. It is very important so that we unite to fight for the peace, with love and intelligence, not with violence.
... I reiterate you our most sincere condolences for all the deads in these wild terrorist acts that you have been object.
Your Cuban friend,
M. Sc. Ing. Pablo Salcedo Mederos

Dear Max and Ruth Ann:
No english. Shorry¡ Lo lamento muchísimo por que hubiese querido expresar en vuestro idioma, mis pesares por la terrible desgracia que debieron sufrir Uds. el día 11 de setiembre en curso.-
No encuentro palabras para exponer lo que sentí ante hechos tan criminal e inhumano cometido contra el pueblo norteamericano. Quizás, el más duro pero el más real de los vocablos sea el aceptar que dentro de los seres vivientes que poblamos este planeta, el más egoista y perverso sea el "homo sapiens".-
Llegue a Uds. mis pesares más sinceros, extensivo a todo vuestra Nación. Un abrazo fraternal.
A.Raul Ramirez

-- Translation by a friend -- The very great lament that I have wanted to express in your language is my distress for the terrible disgrace you all must suffer since the day of 11th September. I can find no words to explain what I felt before such criminal and inhuman deeds done against the North-American people. Perhaps, the hardest but most realistic words might be found in accepting that amongst the living beings who populate this planet the utmost egoistic and perverse being is "homo sapiens". Addressing myself to you, my very sincere distress especially for your whole Nation. A brotherly hug, A.Raul Ramirez.

Dear friend Maks,
All Russian Olimpic Team commiserate with such big tragedy in USA. The cap. of the Russian Team
Valery Pankratov.

Dear Maurice,
Please accept our condolences, sympathy, and support, in this terrible time. If any of your players wishes for a Special Leave please grant it on our behalf.
All we can say is courage dear friends, we weep with you.
Trevor. (FT Crapper)

Max and Ruth,
On behalf of cuban correspondence chess players we send our condolences and solidarity by terrible and horrifying attack against United States of America´s people.
Mr. Pablo Salcedo Mederos will go to Congress in Rimini and he hope meeting you.
Amci Sumus
Best wishes,
Luis Lamarche Rodriguez.

Dear Ruth, dear Max, dear American Chessfriends,
With a big emotion and outrage, I have been following the apocalyptic events in your country. I am not entitled to speak for the whole Czech CCA, but I hope you accept at least this manifestation of my personal deepest sympathy and solidarity.
Your Ministry of Defence Mr Colin Powell recently declared what I myself feel very strongly: the culprits must be punished, but the life must go on. I fully agree with you that we cannot allow the terrorists a psychological victory and that the whole civilized world must show them that we don't collapse and that we are not afraid of them. You can read below my (probably too emotional) message which I recently sent to Alan Borwell. I am very pleased that you are of the same opinion as I.
Consequently, I also believe that we shouldn't cancel our Rimini Congress, if most delegates / guests are able to come without a undue inconvenience. I feel this would be another manifestation of our solidarity, togetherness and last but not least our courageousness.
I firmly hope to be able to meet you all in Italy and to shake your hands.
With my best regards and sympathy,
Josef Mrkvicka

Dear President of the ICCF,
thanks for your words in those terrible days for humanity all over the World. The Croatians have been informed about the week cessation.
Amici sumus - We are friends - Prijatelji smo!
Zagreb, 2001.09.13
Dr.Zvonko KREkjAK

Dear Ruth-Ann and dear Max,
We with Merike should like to express our deepest sympathies to all of you for the terrible act of terror against the USA! Our consternation is actually so great, that one simply can't find the right words to utter our support to you and your fellow Americans as well as to condemn such an atrocious extremism! I have just read with great relief from the e-mail of Alan Borwell that, that luckily enough you have not lost any relatives at this catastrophe. But this what has happened is so monstrous, that we all, big or small, must most sincerely support you.
We are looking forward to meet you in Rimini!
Best wishes,
Ervin (Ervin Liebert)
Amici sumus

Dear Max and Ruth Ann,
about the tragic and terrible terrorist attack to your country please receive from me and all Italian friends our sincere solidarity. We look forward to seeing you at the ICCF Congress in Rimini.
Amici sumus
Pietro Cimmino

Dear Max and family.
Wir sind fassungslos und fühlen mit euch.

-- Translation Results by SDL International --
We are disconcerted and feel with you.

Dears Ruth Ann and Max,
In theses terrible and tragic moments , I send you my deep thought to you and all american people. I pray for the victims and hope that the terrorists will be soon punished.
Hope to see you soon in Rimini.
Best regards
Med (Samraoui)

Dear Prof.Zavanelli:
My best wishes for you and family and I hope everybody will recover from the inhuman terrorist attempts that suffered New York and Washington cities.
All the people is shocked overhere and the authorities established a special protection in possible targets not only in Uruguay but also in Brazil and Argentine.
You must now try to improve your state of mind although it is not going to be easy;because a terrible nightmare became into reality.
Good luck for you and USA correspondence chess federation and we will surely met again in Rio 2.004.
Amici Sumus
TU(Uruguayan Telechess)Secretary

Dear Max & Ruth Ann,
I am very happy and pleased to know that all of you are OK.
Please, receive my sincere wishes and love.
PS: I also hope to see you both in Rimini.
Amici Sumus
Carlos Cranbourne

Dear Ruth Ann and dear Max,
in these sad days, for the US and the whole world, my heart is with you.
I'm happy that your son wasn't inside the Towers!
Let's hope that hatred won't get the upper hand over!
See you in Rimini!

On the behalf of the Portuguese Commission of Correspondence Chess, I express my sympathy for the terrible atrocity inflicted on September 11, 2001, to the USA. I express our solidarity with the American people and our feelings of abomination against those responsible for this attack.
Our thoughts are with all American families whose loved ones were killed or seriously injured. Despite our limited resources, let me know if we can assist you on this terrible tragedy.
Your respectfully,
Joaquim Pedro Soberano
Comissao Portuguesa de Xadrez por Correspondencia

Dear Mr. Zavanelli ,
Yesterday evening we have learnt with great sorrow that US has faced with terrorism.
We hope that all American citizens recover and get rid of this evil-happening quickly.
Now everybody should be cool-headed.. for the sake of World Peace.
All kinds of terrorism should be demolished from the Earth.
With our best wishes to Zavanelli Family & our American friends from Turkey.
Aydin Satici
ICCF Delegate Turkey

Dear chessfriends,
I want to transmit you my most sincere condolences and solidarity for the terrorist attacks happened yesterday in your Country.
Words do not exist to describe this act of barbarism.
I am verry sorry.
J. Daniel Finkelstein

Dear Max
Dear Ruth
Luxemburg and myself are sharing in this great and terrible tragedy in the United States.
Its impossible for me to find words of this. I'm afraid of this terrorisme of madmen who inflict such an impact to all people in the United States and in many parts around the World.
Our thoughts are with all people and CC- friends in the USA.
Please I can't express me very well in English but I hope you unterstand my sadness.
Frank RIVA

My dear Ruth Ann , my dear Max,
there are no words , no words at all for what happened yesterday at Twin Towers !!
No human being can organise such a fact.
I am very , very happy that your son is OK !
But I am near to you and your compatriots , with all my heart , in this terrible moment.
my dear friends,
all my best wishes and regards ,
(also on behalf of the ASIGC friends!)
Gianni Mastrojeni

Dear Max, Ruth Ann & all friends of America,
I am really very sad about the tragic and terrible terrorist attack to your home land country.
Please receive from the Latin American Corr. Chess community (CADAP) our sincere expression of condolence and solidarity ....
God Bless America !!
Amici Sumus
Carlos Cranbourne

Hello Ruth Ann,
We are all in shock here in Lithuania, what's going on in U.S.?
Who is doing these terrorist's attacks?
Lithuanians are with U.S.A.,

Dear Max and Ruth Ann!
Annki and I feel very, very sorry for the terrorist attack showing on the TV screen today. There is no place for such evel peoples on this earth, and we should all faight strongly against them.
We cannot imagine the numbers of wounded and dead peoples.
Roald (Berthelsen)

Hi Ruth Ann & Max
All Europe is shocked by today's terrible events.
Are you OK?
... With no clearly identifiable enemy, this one won't be as easy to avenge as Pearl Harbor.
Best wishes
Tim Harding

12 September 2001

Dear friends,

The terrible and horrifying atrocity inflicted yesterday on the United States of America and many thousands of its citizens and international visitors, has had a traumatic impact on all civilised people and countries around the World.

As a mark of respect and mourning for those who have been killed, injured and bereaved, all games in ICCF tournaments should be suspended from tomorrow 13th September until 19th September, a period of 7 days special leave is granted.

It is recommended that no moves be transmitted during the period. All Tournament Offices should advise all TDs and ask them to advise all players by Email, wherever possible.

A decision concerning the ICCF Congress, due to be held in Rimini, Italy, from 22nd to 29th September, will be taken this weekend, when the impact on travel etc. can be assessed in the aftermath of this tragedy. I will make an Announcement about it, probably on Sunday 16th September, on iccf.com.

With feelings of deepest sympathy for all those who suffered,

Yours respectfully,

Alan P.Borwell,
ICCF President.

posted 18-Sept-2001


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