Oct 11, 2022




We welcome Jon Edwards to the two smallest fraternities in US chess.  Jon has become only the third US player to achieve the title of World Correspondence Chess Champion, achieved in the World Correspondence Championship 32 Final.  Concomitant to the victory is the title of ICCF Grandmaster where Jon becomes only the 14th US titleholder.


A person wearing a blue shirt

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Please join me and the whole Correspondence Chess community (as evidenced in Dr. Staroske’s letter included below) in congratulating Jon on this signal achievement.



From: Uwe Staroske <uwe.staroske@gmx.de>
Date: October 8, 2022 at 10:09:47 AM EDT
To: jedwards.chess@gmail.com
Cc: chessmanjcb@gmail.com
Subject: Congratulations

Dear Jon,


the final of World Championschips no. 32 is finished - you are the new World Champion! Lots of congratulations on this fine and extraordinary achievement! You did very well in this tough competition; 2 wins in a tournament of such a considerable playing strength is a rare success.Furthermore you achieved the GM title - again well done!


The awards (medal, certificate and an engraved plate) are going to be issued at the next Congress in Amsterdam in 2023. The GM title is going to be awarded on the server in the next 2 weeks (there is some "waiting time") and the certificate + medal for the GM title are also going to be issued in Amsterdam.

For sure today you are going to have a nice celebration - you have every reason to enjoy.


All the best




Dr. Uwe Staroske

ICCF Ratings and Qualifications Commissioner